What are some unique traditions of Omega Psi Phi?
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is a historically African American fraternity that was founded on November 17, 1911, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. The fraternity has a number of unique traditions that are closely tied to its history and culture. Here are a few of them:
The Omega Psi Phi handshake: The fraternity has a distinctive handshake, which involves a series of movements that represent the letters of the fraternity's name. The handshake is typically used as a way for members to identify each other in public.
The fraternity's motto: Omega Psi Phi's motto is "Friendship is essential to the soul." This motto emphasizes the importance of brotherhood and camaraderie among members.
The fraternity's colors: Omega Psi Phi's colors are royal purple and old gold. These colors are symbolic of the fraternity's regal heritage and its commitment to excellence.
The fraternity's chant: Omega Psi Phi has a unique chant that is often used at events and gatherings. The chant includes the phrase "Que Psi Phi" (pronounced "kwee sigh figh"), which is a play on the fraternity's Greek letters.
The fraternity's step shows: Omega Psi Phi is known for its elaborate step shows, which are choreographed dance routines that involve synchronized clapping, stomping, and chanting. These step shows are a way for members to showcase their unity, creativity, and athleticism.
Overall, these traditions help to define the culture and identity of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and are an important part of its history and legacy.
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